Bowen Therapy was developed by the Australian Tom Bowen in the 1950’s and is now an established holistic therapy. Bowen operates through the gentle manipulation of the body’s fascia, releasing tension and restoring the body’s natural physical and chemical balance, relieving symptoms of a wide array of conditions and pain relief.
The Bowen technique adjusts the body’s nervous system from the sympathetic state (fight or flight response) into the parasympathetic state (rest and digest response). In this parasympathetic state the body can get some balance back and healing can begin.
Bowen is being used more widely in high level sports.
Fascia is a network of connective tissue that is literally everywhere in our bodies. There's increasing research into what the fascia does and its importance to health.
Fascia is intricately associated with every muscle, joint, ligament, tendon, blood vessel and nerve. When we gently manipulate the fascia , we're also gently manipulating everything that is associated with it at that point and these effects ripple outwards. This has a big effect on overall pain relief.
The integrity of the fascia is vital to how we feel and operate and is definitely implicated in our ability to respond and recover from injuries or illness. When our fascia is tight or damaged we feel it. SInce COVID and the drive to work from home, more people turn up at clinic with with back pain. Once the fascia is released, people experience a great sense of pain relief.
Stress plays a big role too and affects our fascia:
“when I’m stressed my back goes”; “just before I sit exams I get stomach pains” . The Bowen technique and Emmett release work can significantly help in reducing the effects of stress on the body.
We all know how we feel when we are stressed and we hold it in our bodies. This is a response held in our fascia. Long term stress can leave us feeling mentally and physically out of sorts and may lead to all sorts of other physical health conditions. The body keeps the score.
Bowen recognises that fascia is a vital network of interconnected tissue serving to carry blood (nutrients and waste) , nerves (sensations including pain , movement) and lymph (our immune response) around the body.
When the body becomes tense through injury, illness or stress the fascia plays a key role in recovery.
When our fascial network is ‘knotted’ or damaged, or just not operating efficiently or effectively, then the body’s chemical messages and impulses do not flow well.
By releasing and rebalancing fascia through Bowen, impulses, blood and lymph can all flow naturally, allowing the body to heal and recover. Sometimes recovery is quick, even during a single session, or may take longer - after a few sessions. Many of my clients come back regularly for a 'top up' - this is especially true of sports people.
The Emmett Technique was developed by Ross Emmett who devised a system of balancing the body very quickly through the release muscle of tension. Similar to the Bowen Technique, Emmett is a light gentle technique that involves the application of light pressure usually at two points. Change can happen fast and often clients report feeling the releases as it is being performed on them, especially in relation to back pain.
Emmett is a very powerful technique and is the most effective tool I use for balancing and grounding sports people. Quite simply, people are measurably steadier on their feet immediately.
It helps with proprioception, where your brain knows where your body is spatially - vital for balance and coordination. As much as this is important for sports people it also helps the elderly (falls) and others returning to activity after injury.
Emmett can be used to treat the same conditions as Bowen. Where appropriate I use Emmett to compliment Bowen. It has transformed the effectiveness of my clients’ treatments and clients often walk out of my clinic significantly better.
Bowen and Emmett can have a positive impact on :
The above list is not exhaustive. For further information or to discuss your own issue in confidence, just give me a call.
Bowen treatment consists of light rolling movements (“moves”) over specific points on the body. It is gentle. There is no manipulation of joints or cracking!
You will notice I will give breaks of a few minutes between sets of moves. This gives your body time to adjust and is a very important step in your treatment. Don’t be surprised if you fall asleep, it just means the body is really relaxing and releasing. Treatments can be in silence or with relaxing music. Whichever is your preference.
Just be aware:
I advise 3 things post treatment:
Most people report feeling relaxed after the treatment. Many sleep better. Some report changes that they had not thought as issues prior to treatment but are noticeably better e.g bowels, periods, clear head.
For some, it’s a big emotional release and then a physical release in areas of pain or stiffness.
Many clients report feeling achey and tired and this is normal as the fascia releases and re sets itself.
Most clients feel reduced pain which gets better as the days go by as your body finds its new normal.
A significant number of clients experience less brain fog and improved decision-making.
I always take a few ‘markers’ down in my notes from our first visit and we can measure how you proceed. It is really helpful to remind clients how they were when they first came in so they can judge themselves whether the treatments are useful for them.
Please note, it is important to speak to your clinician if under any medical treatment prior to treatment with me. If you are under any medication or special diet this must be continued.
It is important to avoid other treatments like massage or hands on physio/ osteopathy during treatment. Carry on with exercises that have been prescribed
Having completed a degree in the 90s, I then went straight into NHS management and have worked in the healthcare sector. Following the birth of my second son I was left with a chronic and painful hip issue and ongoing back pain, confirmed via MRI, that made everyday tasks miserable. It would not resolve despite a year of weekly chiropractic treatments and exercises, offering me very short term pain relief.
On recommendation from a GP, I visited a Bowen Technique therapist who fixed it in one session.
Roll forward 20 years and I have seen Bowen help many people with many different problems that I decided to train and treat people myself. Take a look at some of the testimonials from my clients. I am passionate about helping people in a way that is fast and effective. I never fail to be amazed by the body’s own ability to heal itself if given half the chance.
I have a special interest in using Bowen and Emmett in sports, where it is particularly effective in treating injuries and for injury prevention.
BSc Hons University of Nottingham
Fully trained Bowen Therapist - The College of Bowen Studies
Emmett Advanced Practitioner - Emmett UK
Lymphatic massage - Bowen and Emmett
Ear Acupuncture for Addictions, Withdrawal and Stress
First Aid qualified, red flags trained and fully insured
Don't wait to start your journey to feeling better. Schedule your appointment today and take the first step with The Bowen & Emmett Clinic.
Call Pauline on 07958 369 064
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